I am of the opinion that there's no way Hillary can win in '08. In fact, right now there seem to be only 3 top contenders for the nomination right now:
1. Edwards
2. Vislak
3. Obama
Each has problems (Edwards' only job for the next 2 years is to look like he's not running for president. Obama is pretty much unknown and one great speech and half a term in the senate doth not make a president). But there is a solution:
Repeal the 22nd Amendment.
Bill Clinton v. George W. Bush
odds? Not as bad as you might think.
The repugs don't exactly have a bunch of top contenders so they may be willing to vote for repeal given the thought of W for 3 terms.
The dems would have to be stupid not to salivate at the thought of Bill back in the ring.
The 22nd was passed to ensure that old and feeble people were not elected president. Much has changed since then - people are living longer, health care is better and the party bosses don't pick the candidate (which generally resulted in the oldest possible person because it was "his turn").
Why wouldn't we want the stars of the party to run?
Imagine. If the 22nd were repealed, we would have the heroes of both parties duking it out for the presidency. Given how divided the country is right now, it may be the best thing for us.
Title match. W vs. Bill for the moral soul of the country.
Dan Hamilton's shared items
Friday, November 19, 2004
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