Dan Hamilton's shared items

Friday, November 19, 2004

Clinton '08: Not Hillary, Bill

I am of the opinion that there's no way Hillary can win in '08. In fact, right now there seem to be only 3 top contenders for the nomination right now:

1. Edwards
2. Vislak
3. Obama

Each has problems (Edwards' only job for the next 2 years is to look like he's not running for president. Obama is pretty much unknown and one great speech and half a term in the senate doth not make a president). But there is a solution:

Repeal the 22nd Amendment.

Bill Clinton v. George W. Bush

odds? Not as bad as you might think.

The repugs don't exactly have a bunch of top contenders so they may be willing to vote for repeal given the thought of W for 3 terms.

The dems would have to be stupid not to salivate at the thought of Bill back in the ring.

The 22nd was passed to ensure that old and feeble people were not elected president. Much has changed since then - people are living longer, health care is better and the party bosses don't pick the candidate (which generally resulted in the oldest possible person because it was "his turn").

Why wouldn't we want the stars of the party to run?

Imagine. If the 22nd were repealed, we would have the heroes of both parties duking it out for the presidency. Given how divided the country is right now, it may be the best thing for us.

Title match. W vs. Bill for the moral soul of the country.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Rice: Liar or Incompetent

Assuming the election results hold up in Ohio, I think the dems have to seriously consider fighting the Rice Sec. of State confirmation.

Either Rice is a liar or incompetent. Either way, she's not qualified to be Sec. of State.

Check out today's daily howler at dailyhowler.com

Look if Bush gets re-elected, he's entitled to deference in his appointments. But Rice is just too much.

She ignored clear signals that terrorists were planning 9/11

This is a person who assured us there were WMD in IRAQ.

She had the gall to then lie lie lie every time her face appeared on TV.

And the worst part is that she lied during the 9/11 hearings.

I think we need an effort to convince the dems in the Senate to put up a fight on this one.

Friday, November 5, 2004


Given the results of the election, perhaps its time to promote a new philosophy: Neo-Federalism.

What is Neo-Federalism? Well...

(1) FEDERALISM. Blue states have the freedom to promote the values they want and Red states can have the values they want. If they want creationism, we can have evolution. If they want pro life policies, we can have pro choice policies. If they want private health care, we can have state funded universal health care. If they want stem cell research bans, we can have state funded stem cell research. It's as simple as that. Local control. The republican manta for the last two decades should become ours as well.

(2) MASSIVE and I mean MASSIVE federal tax cuts. Hell, do a 5% Federal Flat Tax. The Repugs are going to give us these anyway, so lets just out tax cut the tax cutters. Why? STARVE THE RED STATE WELFARE STATES. They take way more in federal money than the blue states. We are funding their theocracies!!!

(3) PAY AS YOU GO FEDERAL FUNDING. Once the tax cuts are done, put handcuffs on the federal government. The Red States are going to quickly see they are hurting. They'll want to increase the debt. Don't allow it.

(4) CUT FEDERAL SPENDING. Everything. Highway funds, farm subsidies, hell even entitlement programs can be cut. Let the state governments handle it. Remember the Red states see more of this money than the blue states and guess who pays for it - the blue states.

(5) MAKE THE BLUE STATES BLUER. We need to do exactly as the Repugs did in the Red States. Work to oust even moderate Repugs. For every moderate Repug we give power to, we amplify it twofold by indirectly giving more power to Red state Repugs. We need control of the local statehouses and governorships to enact the necessary social legislation we are going to allow the Repugs to kill at the federal level.

(6) OBSTRUCT. DELAY. ATTACK. At the federal level we have to obstruct, delay and attack the Repugs so that they cannot "federalize" their radical right wing agenda. This is the tricky part. On some issues we may have to let them win. On others, can may only let them get half of what they want. It will depend on the issue. Above all, we have to protect the judiciary from radical judges. Especially in the blue states.

I really believe that this is the only way. It's a long term strategy. We are going to loose some federal elections. But I just don't see how we can get the religious zealots to open up their eyes.

The Red State World view is just too different and too ingrained to hope against hope that somehow, someway a democrat will come along who will be able to talk these people into the reality based community. Unfortunately, they have to be shown the hard way that the unholy alliance between the radical religious right and the radical economic conservatives will hurt the red states, not the blue states. They only way I know how to do it is to hasten its ends while protecting the blue state social safety net.

Check out today's NYT editorials. Freidman says that he feels like this election was about two different teams, not policies or issues. The values voters just don't view America the way we do. And somehow, they now control our federal government.

Everything I have ever seen tells me these values voters are 1/3 of the electorate. They win by joining with the economic conservatives. The Neo-Federalist philosophy can attract some of those economic conservatives in the short term. This can help us along. Long term, Neo-Federalism just may stave off the theocracy these folks want to establish and might just turn red states blue again.

Thursday, November 4, 2004

End Red State Welfare

One of the odd things about Red States is that they take a lot more government dollars per capita than the blue states. And the blue states pay for it - literally. But for some strange reason the continue to vote against their interests.

Maybe its time for the blue staters to end this red state welfare.

The more I think about it, the more this seems like a workable philosophy for the next few years.

WE are never going to "win" the values issue by trying to "re-package" or "get our message out". This is a cultural war based on religion. You are NEVER going to get the values voters to see your side. Its faith based vs. reality based.
The message is out folks. The Republicans won and it will take decades to change the perception. Should we try ? Yes. Is it the top priority? No.

We have to let the red states lie in the bed that they have made. The Dems need to become the Republican party of 1992. They need to have backbenchers sniping at the heels of powerful republican representatives. They need to push for states rights, tax cuts and most important - the end of RED STATE WELFARE (farm subsidies, highway funds, block grants).

The blue states pay most of the taxes in this country folks. And for it they get the least money back from the federal government. There has to be two immediate goals: push the end of red state welfare at the federal lever and, work to make the blue states even bluer (dump republicans from blue state house and senate positions, get them out of governors offices and state senate).

Why? here's why - California just approved 3 Billion for stem cell research. If the red states want a federal system based on "values" and "faith based policy" then fine give it to them. Just make sure they cant push that crap on the blue states. Over time as the economies of the blue states continue to grow, while blue staters have decent state funded health care, excellent school systems and high property values the red staters will wallow in just the opposite. Maybe then they will wake up out of the religious zealotry and realize that politics and religion just don't mix.

I realize this is a spiteful agenda. But it worked for the republicans, why not us? All I am saying is that we need to go back to the way things were before the Progressive revolution of the early 1900's when a few states showed the rest of the country that liberal policies had worked wonders in their states. The funny thing is, back then the Blue states were actually today's red states.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Still Two Americas

Well, the American people have spoken and although Bush has been re-elected, the message in 2004 is the exact same one from 2000. We are a nation of two peoples. Reds and Blues.

The real lesson to take from this is that the west and the south are just vastly different from west coast and the northeast. Like two different planets. The reality based community versus the faith based community. Gods, gays and guns versus Iraq, Jobs and Health care.

Republicans are going to tout this election as a mandate. Maybe it is. I would disagree with that. This election was a nail biter. Again. Two percent of the voters from one state decided the election. Yes, I know Bush won the popular vote by 3 million or so. But, as we all should be acutely aware of by now, the popular vote means next to nothing. But its that popular vote that we need to take our next steps from.

How to you convince the Red staters that moral values are not the end all be all of how you govern a country? You can't. It's just not possible. So how do you win an election in this environment? I'm not sure you can without some work in the Blue states first.

I am just in shock. And I know what I am about to write is going to seem angry and spiteful. But sometimes good things can come from that. Hell, anger hasn't hurt the Republicans.

How can the populations of the small (but geographically large) red states have such a different view about whats important?
I'd love to see a breakdown of the popular vote showing Bush's vote just from Red States. I suspect that that number is less than Kerry's total vote.

Anyone want to take up that project because that's where I think we need to spend our time now. Not on the Red State Bush voters. It's very hard to convert people from their chosen religion. The Red States are just about as Red as they can be. The focus has to be on the Blue State Bush voters right now. The Blue states have to get bluer before any Red States can be flipped.

The Blue states are were most of the population of this country lives. They pay most of the taxes, create most of the jobs and for this they get the least back from the government.

Now is the time for the Blue states to politely withdraw to our own concerns for a while.

Tax cuts? Sure. Give 'em to us. After all, we get the least government benefits for our bucks. Let the Red States try and get their government services without our kicking in more than our share for once.

State's rights? Awesome, give us all the state's rights we can have. We'll continue to live in states with better schools, higher environmental standards and the increased wealth that comes with both.

Maybe the time has come to virtually remove the Blue states from the Union. Take a page from the Republican play book of 1992. Argue for tax cuts. Argue for states rights. Have the House Back Benchers commence Gingrich like attacks on the Republican leadership. And God help the Blue state senator who votes for a Republican nominated judge.

If the faith based community can't face reality, then maybe it's time they were given an opportunity to know what reality means. President Bush and the Republicans are going to open the door. How the Blue states respond may just result in that door hitting the Red Staters in the face.

What's the alternative? Fight amongst ourselves? Move to Canada?

It certainly isn't compromise. It certainly isn't trying to out faith the faith based. They made the bed. Our course of action should be to let them lie in it.