Dan Hamilton's shared items

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Rice: Liar or Incompetent

Assuming the election results hold up in Ohio, I think the dems have to seriously consider fighting the Rice Sec. of State confirmation.

Either Rice is a liar or incompetent. Either way, she's not qualified to be Sec. of State.

Check out today's daily howler at dailyhowler.com

Look if Bush gets re-elected, he's entitled to deference in his appointments. But Rice is just too much.

She ignored clear signals that terrorists were planning 9/11

This is a person who assured us there were WMD in IRAQ.

She had the gall to then lie lie lie every time her face appeared on TV.

And the worst part is that she lied during the 9/11 hearings.

I think we need an effort to convince the dems in the Senate to put up a fight on this one.